Stephen Roach, P.GEO, B.SC. Geologist


Mr. Roach is an exploration geologist with over 40 years in gold and base metal experience working with both junior explorers and senior miners on greenfield and brownfield projects. He has widespread experience in lode-gold and polymetallic mesothermal, epithermal, and porphyry metal systems, VHMS Zn-Cu-Ag, and Cu-Ni-PGM base metal systems, across several geological terranes, that has led to several discoveries. He has personally discovered and has worked with geological teams in the initial discovery of many emerging deposits such as ( Pretium’s & Seabridge Gold Sulphurets area) and producing mines such as (Wesdome’s Eagle River Mine) to mention a few. His experience integrates a wide variety of geological techniques, conducive to identifying new emerging precious metal targets at both a local and district scale.